Susan Granger’s review of “ME, MYSELF AND I” (Sony Pictures Classics)
Remember the “Sliding Doors” parallel lives concept in which Gwyneth Paltrow imagined what might have happened if she had not missed the subway one day? Remember Rachel Griffiths who co-starred with Emily Watson in “Hilary and Jackie”? Put them together and you have this fantasy in which Rachel Griffiths plays Pamela Drury, a celebrated, award-winning journalist who lives in a lonely, box-filled apartment in Sydney, Australia, and worries that life may somehow have passed her by because she didn’t marry Mr. Right. She wonders “what if”….until, suddenly, one day, in an alternate universe, she magically switches places with her alter ego, Pamela Dickson, who married her old sweetheart, has three demanding children and lives in suburbia. While Pamela Dickson gladly slips out of station-wagon bondage, Pamela Drury copes with the strenuous, nitty-gritty routine of the neglected wife and soccer mother she would have become if her heart had ruled her head. Australian film-maker Pip Karmel’s premise is reminiscent of the old adage, “Be careful what you wish for because you may just get it.” But it gets a bit clumsy during the transitions between the two Pamelas, particularly since we never learn enough about the newly liberated Pamela Dickson. And are we really to believe that a serious woman with a penchant for investigative journalism would be totally content writing hackneyed romantic how-to articles for a women’s magazine? In the final analysis, it’s the charismatic dual performance by Rachel Griffiths that makes this road-not-taken film memorable. On the Granger Movie Gauge of 1 to 10, “Me, Myself, and I” is a poignant, daydreaming 6. It’s summed up best by Ms. Karmel’s line, “Regret is futile.”