Knocked Up

Susan Granger’s review of “Knocked Up” (Universal Pictures)

Since “Knocked Up” was written and directed by Judd Apatow (“The 40 Year-Old Virgin”), you’d expect it to be crude, rude and profane – and it doesn’t disappoint.
Because she’s drunk out of her mind, twentysomething Alison (Katherine Heigl of “Grey’s Anatomy”), a beautiful up-and-coming interviewer on E! Entertainment television, hooks up with Ben (Seth Rogen), a stoned slacker, for a one-night stand. At breakfast the next day, she quickly realizes they have nothing in common and forgets about him. Until – several weeks later – she realizes she’s pregnant. After rejecting the idea of abortion, Alison decides to have the baby and calls Ben to accompany her to the obstetrician.
Against all odds, they become an unlikely couple. Alison’s moral support comes from her controlling sister Debbie (Leslie Mann, a.k.a. Mrs. Apatow) and restless brother-in-law (Paul Rudd), while Ben’s eternally adolescent buddies (Jay Baruchel, Jonah Hill, Jason Segel, Martin Starr) are testosterone-propelled layabouts who’ve been talking about designing a website listing when and where actresses appear nude in movies.
What distinguishes Apatow’s writing is his bawdy, blunt-spoken dialogue and insightful, refreshing honesty, particularly in the poignant, soul-bearing sessions. His characters have an essential sweetness about them with little of the cynicism that’s so prevalent these days. Pop culture references abound; particularly funny are the many allusions to “Spider Man 3,” playing in an adjacent theater.
But Apatow’s directorial pacing for two-plus hours is uneven, as is his casting. Katherine Heigl’s emotional versatility so outshines Seth Rogen’s schtick that it’s disconcerting; sadly, Rogen lacks Steve Carrell’s charisma. And as an envious E! executive, SNL’s Kristen Wiig gets the best caustic lines. On the Granger Movie Gauge of 1 to 10, “Knocked Up” is a hilariously vulgar 7.After the resounding success of “Borat” nothing surprises me.


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