Susan Granger’s review of “Stage Beauty” (Lions Gate Films)
When Charles II (Rupert Everett) returned from exile in Paris and claimed British throne in 1660, he reopened London’s theaters where, traditionally, men had taken female roles. Eager for novelty and excitement, Charles then decreed in 1662 that men could no longer play women, which left popular female impersonators like Edward “Ned” Kynaston (Billy Crudup) out of work, much to the chagrin of his patron/lover the Duke of Buckingham (Ben Chaplin) and much to the delight of Kynaston’s adoring yet ambitious dresser/lover Maria (Claire Danes) who became the first English actress to play Desdemona. Historically, not much is known about Kynaston as an actor during the Restoration Era except that Samuel Pepys, in his diaries, called him “the prettiest woman in the whole house.” That the gender-blending, opportunistic Kynaston must have been sexually confused is a given. Obviously inspired by “Shakespeare in Love,” this intellectually clever romantic comedy, nevertheless, lacks that film’s droll grace and style. Adapted from his own play by Jeffrey Hatcher and directed by Richard Eyre (“Iris”), the over-orchestrated backstage story relies too much on farce, particularly from the self-indulgent, hammy Everett and Zoe Tapper as Charles’ gossipy mistress Nell Gwynn. But there’s obviously an intriguing chemistry between Billy Crudup and Claire Danes, who became off-screen lovers during the filming despite the fact that actress Mary Louise Parker was seven months pregnant with Crudup’s child. On the Granger Movie Gauge of 1 to 10, “Stage Beauty” is a provocative and diverting 7. While it sheds some light on theater history, this androgynous battle of the sexes can be a big of a drag.