Without You

Susan Granger’s review of “Without You” (Off-Broadway at New World Stages)


I knew Anthony Rapp as Lt. Paul Stamets on “Star Trek: Discovery,” but I had no idea about his fascinating backstory until I saw his one-man musical “Without You” at New World Stages.

Adapted from his 2006 memoir of the same name, it reveals how Rapp got his ‘big break’ in 1996, playing videographer Mark Cohen in the innovative rock musical “Rent.” The night before that show’s Off-Broadway premiere at New York Theater Workshop, its writer Jonathan Larson, abruptly died of an aortic aneurysm; during the subsequent Broadway run, Rapp’s mother Mary succumbed to cancer.

These losses were pivotal to Rapp’s life – and he revisits both in “Without You,” beginning with the song he did for his audition: R.E.M.’s “Losing My Religion.” Apparently, Larson made a cassette of him singing – for Rapp to learn for his callback. Listening to that is eerie and even a bit surreal.

“The fact that Jonathan wasn’t there just tilted everything in this really strange way, but it also made us collectively that much more committed to it,” 51 year-old Rapp recalls. “No one missed a performance, which never happens on any show, let alone a show as demanding as ‘Rent.’”

About the same time “Rent” moved to Broadway, his mother, who lived in Joliet, Illinois, began her losing battle with cancer, making that Opening Night performance the last thing she ever saw him do.

With his distinct voice and versatile physicality, Rapp not only plays himself but every other character, including his mother and Larson. Director Steven Maler’s staging is impeccable, as are Musical Director/keyboardist Daniel A. Weiss’ orchestrations, featuring Clerida Eltime on cello, Paul Gil on bass, Jerry Marotta on drums, and Lee Moretti on guitar.

It’s not surprising that ‘Rentheads’ – the iconic musical’s most devoted fans – are very visible and audible during “Without You” performances.

Although the narrative is drenched with honesty, concluding with “Seasons of Love,” there are several facets of his life that Rapp does not delve into…first, his casting as the first openly gay principal character in Paramount’s “Star Trek” franchise. Then there’s the civil lawsuit he lost against actor Kevin Spacey, alleging sexual misconduct dating back to 1986 when Rapp was only 14. And, most recently, Rapp’s becoming a first-time father to Rai Larson with his partner Ken Ithiphol via a surrogate.

Running about 90 minutes, “Without You” is presented at New World Stages – 340 W. 50th Street, between 8th and 9th Avenue – through April 30th.

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