Susan Granger’s review of “Meet the Fockers” (Universal Pictures)
In “Meet the Parents,” Pam Byrnes (Teri Polo) took her insecure fiancŽ, Gaylord ‘Greg’ Focker (Ben Stiller), a male nurse, home to meet his future in-laws, Jack and Dina (Robert De Niro and Blythe Danner). Having survived that humiliating ordeal, Greg is ready to take the Byrneses to Florida to meet his parents, Bernie and Roz (Dustin Hoffman and Barbra Streisand). Admittedly, the concept of having Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Blythe Danner and Barbra Streisand on-screen at the same time in a comedy sounds terrific, but its execution falters – badly. Director Jay Roach and writers Jim Herzfeld and John Hamburg have no idea how to mine their good fortune, relying on sit-com silliness, raunchy sexual banter and bathroom humor. The Byrneses are obviously an up-tight WASP couple from New England (remember, he’s a former CIA agent), while the Fockers are liberal, laid-back, eccentric Jewish hippies. Years ago, Bernie abandoned practicing law to be an indulgent “Mr. Mom,” while Roz is a highly successful sex therapist who specializes in geriatric couples. And to complicate matters further, the Byrnes visiting brood includes their toddler grandson, Jack, along with their toilet-flushing cat. Given the stereotypical absurdity, the laughs are few and far-between, bearing only a sloppy, derivative resemblance to its predecessor. Nevertheless, the consummate professionals soldier on. Milking the most from her less-than-meaty role, Streisand is delightful, particularly when she gives the exasperated De Niro an unusual massage. Danner’s always sublime but leave it to Hoffman to steal the show. He’s hilarious – as is Owen Wilson in a cameo. On the Granger Movie Gauge of 1 to 10, “Meet the Fockers” is a flimsy 5, using its star-power to stay afloat.